Friday, January 14, 2011

Craigslist Filler

I have a lot of updates to finish. A trip to Kobe, the light fixture I made, how I got over Christmas away from home and then got out of it, Taiwan—it's all coming up, but slowly. In the meantime, I recorded myself reading Missed Connections posts from Craigslist to use as filler. And I made a video to go with it, because I don't have a screenshot of the original.

I have a backlog of these gems from when I was bored at the office in July. Forgive the terrible sound quality. It's too cold to get out from under my kotatsu to set up the good microphone, so I used the crappy one on my hand-me-down Skype headset.

This one below doesn't need to be read aloud. Just click on it.

These aren't even the best of the bunch. Enjoy your filler, ladies and gents.